Nitrogen Generator / Blended Gas

Broward Nelson Fountain Service installs and services nitrogen generators in Fort Lauderdale, Miami and throughout South Florida. On-demand N2 generation systems are ideal for running beer systems in high volume areas including stadiums, arenas, and sports bars. Establishments serving high volumes of beer will experience significant advantages by utilizing a nitrogen generator, as many south Florida businesses have discovered. By using a beer gas blender, the customer can combine nitrogen and CO2 gases on-demand to efficiently run a variety of beers including ales, lagers, and stouts. This will lead to more consistent pours and less loss due to flat beer and over carbonated drafts. The most convenient aspect of installing a nitrogen generator in your Fort Lauderdale business is eliminating the change out of high-pressure nitrogen tanks. Tied in with bulk CO2 and a beer blender, the customer will never have to worry about running out of gas on the beer and soda systems. This allows managers and employees to focus on running their businesses instead of monitoring nitrogen. All of our on-demand N2 generation systems and bulk (CO2) tanks are equipped with high-pressure backups and switchovers. Emergency refills are available.
To inquire about installing an on-demand N2 generation system in Fort Lauderdale or around South Florida, please call 800.262.8265 or contact us here
Frequently Asked Questions
Nitrogen generators can help ensure a consistent supply of beverage grade nitrogen, which is used in various steps of beverage production, packaging, and storage. Beverage-grade nitrogen is typically 98–99.5% pure. The European Union defines beverage -grade nitrogen as having a purity of 99% or higher, with less than 1% oxygen remaining. Nitrogen generators can also help reduce the risk of running out of nitrogen, which can ruin beer kegs.
A nitrogen generator requires regular maintenance including checking for leaks, inspecting filters and replacing them as needed, monitoring pressure and flow rates, cleaning the unit, and visually inspecting for damage or loose connections. The frequency of maintenance depends on usage but typically involves filter changes every few thousand operating hours, with more frequent checks of gauges and indicators on the control panel to ensure proper operation.
No. If you use the 25% CO2 / 75% N2 blend for all your beers it will cause them to become flat. Beers are made to precise specifications and must have the right blend of gases for maximum flavor and consistency.
The main causes for foamy beer include: the beer temperature is too warm, the gas pressure on the keg is too high, the CO2 – N2 blend is incorrect or an obstruction in the beer line. Between pouring the foam down the drain and the inability to dispense all the beer out of the keg, you are losing approximately 11 pints of beer per keg.
Flat beer is caused by the beer temperature being too cold, the gas pressure being incorrect or the CO2 – N2 blend being off. If the gas pressure or carbon dioxide blend is too low, CO2 escapes the beer, and the result is under carbonation. Flat beer results in “overpours” and could result in 5% reduced profitability per keg.