Beverage Dispensing Equipment
Broward Nelson stocks a complete range of soda, juice & beverage gas cyilnders (including CO2, Nitrogen & Helium) and water filters. Installation is always Included with the purchase of any of our units. All of our units are from top manufacturers in the industry including Lancer, Cornelius, and ICI. We supply a full spectrum of soda machines and water purification units, from drop in units to ice-bev combos and freestanding refrigerated units. To save space, customers can opt for juice guns and soda guns as well. Complete with an ice plate, these guns are ideal for quick, hand held dispensing of cold beverages. Broward Nelson also carries chillers (both carbonated and still) in a range of sizes to meet the needs of any size establishment.
To fit many budgets, we also have a variety of used and refurbished equipment. These machines are certified in working condition and are ready for immediate use. All our dispensing equipment comes with a one-year warranty. Broward Nelson will make on site repairs free of charge during this period.
Broward Nelson stocks a complete line of essential parts for water purification, fountain sodas and beverage gas systems.
Call 800.262.8265 – Let us show you how Broward Nelson Fountain Service’s products, service and delivery can help add dollars to your bottom line!
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Frequently Asked Questions
A bag in box (BIB) system mixes the soda water and syrups at the POS (typically a bar gun or a machine). For high volume establishments it becomes more cost effective and saves space over cans and bottles. It also reduces plastic and waste generated by cans and bottles.
Yes. We install a full range of beverage equipment and water purification systems. We can customize any machine or system to meet your locations space constraints and beverage program.
Yes. We can schedule an on-site walk through or evaluation at no cost to you to determine the correct beverage program, equipment and gases that are essential to keeping your profits pouring.